Monday, October 23, 2006

Minority Report

I watched the film "Minority Report" despite what I think of Tom Cruise as a person... I do like Philip Dick as a sci fi writer though, and, in general it is a genre I like. (I just saw another film based on a Philip Dick story at the university theater this weekend, A Scanner Darkly.

It was a cool movie, with enough creepy, not-so-future world stuff at the same time that there was a plot that kept you wondering. The plot was strongest, I think, when John Anderton (played by Cruise) learns that he is going to kill someone and has to try to out think / out race the future. I thought the "precogs" were a little wierd, maybe ridiculous, and that preventing crime by anticipating it was a little beyond the pale. Nonetheless, the vision of a police state future world where basic rights have been suspended and technology is turned by the state into survellence, that is, unfortunately, all too believeable. In fact it is coming true!

In this sense the film does have points in common with 1984. The whole eye-scan thing is actually possible now, isn't it? And is it being used, or do we know?

A film that I think gets it frighteningly right is, Enemy of the State. So, citizens, defend your freedoms!


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